En vy över en minigolfbana. Till vänster en låg, vit byggnad. I mitten en miniatyr av en kyrka och till höger i förgrunden en vepa där det står Götlunda glass

Adventure Golf at Ekängen

Next to Eskilstuna Golf Club, about 3 kilometers outside Eskilstuna city center, you'll find Äventyrsgolfen Ekängen (The Adventure Golf at Ekängen). A miniature golf course with 18 holes, featuring various environments from Eskilstuna.

Adventure golf with Eskilstuna landmarks

Äventyrsgolfen Ekängen is a miniature golf course with 18 holes that was restored in 2023. The miniature golf course is suitable for the whole family. On the golf course you navigate through miniatures of Eskilstuna's landmarks, such as Klosters Church, Rademachersmedjorna (The Rademacher Forges), a blacksmith's swage block and the city's waterways.

Kiosk by the golf course

In the kiosk next to the course, you borrow your clubs and balls. If you're a bit hungry, thirsty or craving ice cream, you can buy sandwiches, hot dogs, ice cream, coffee and soda in the kiosk.


Phone: +46 16 13 40 00

Address: Strängnäsvägen 10, Eskilstuna

Web: lordsfastigheter.se/golf (SWE)